My Portfolio

Here is a selection of my work for Doña (Instagram & TikTok), two Doña Social clients, Time Out London and Primal Leather (both Instagram) and previous employers Dangerous Don Mezcal (Instagram) and PinkNews (TikTok)
While going viral is nice, I have also included videos that did not go viral as I believe they show my ability to capture a brand's essence. I feel this selection of videos demonstrates my editing, journalistic, storytelling and technical skills.
Notes on the Time Out videos: all green screen videos like the "Brick Lane Beigel Shop" video were scripted by me and edited with script editing by a member of Time Out London's social media team. The vox pop questions whether at the BRIT Awards, the BAFTAs, or with members of the public, are a collaborative effort with Time Out London's social media team. All editing done by me.
Notes on the PinkNews videos: each video was produced entirely by me, which includes scripting, clip sourcing, editing and sound-mixing. I filmed the interview with London mayor Sadiq Khan and wrote the questions with my colleague. Many of the videos use formats I created, like the "Laurence Fox Burns Pride Month Bunting" video. I came up with this specific format to expand the type of news PinkNews could cover on TikTok. This helped me take PinkNews' TikTok account from 80K to 500K followers in just one year. I used ElevenLabs and to not only clone my voice but create unique British and American voices to use for voiceovers, like in the "Should Police Officers Dance at Pride" video. All editing done in Adobe Premiere Pro with sound mixing in Adobe Audition.